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Convert VHS and Analog Camcorder Tapes to DVD

Method 1 Convert Using a Computer with a Video Capture Card If you own a computer with a video capture card, this is typically the best and easiest option for converting your video. Unfortunately, only high-end computers and media center PCs typically come equipped with these cards. If not, they are fairly expensive to purchase and generally not worth the money for this one time usage. If you are unsure if your computer came with a video capture card, refer to your owner's manual or look for composite, S-Video, or other video inputs on the back of the computer. The input should look like the output on your VCR. Method 2 Convert Using a Digital Camcorder If your computer doesn't have a video capture card, consider an alternative for converting the video below. Internal video capture cards are quite expensive.Many newer digital camcorders have a feature called 'pass-thru' mode.This feature enables the camcorder to act as a video capture device, which enables it to ...

regedit dan violated

"Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator" Registry windows dikunci virus? atau Registry tidak bisa dibuka? Mungkin saja saat komputer anda terkena virus(baca: worm lokal), anda tidak bisa masuk ke registry. Ada cara mudah untuk membuka kembali Registry anda. 1. Buka Notepad. 2. Copy Paste kode dibawah ini: Option Explicit dim ObjShell, ML2, ML1, msg ML2 ="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools" ML1 ="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools" const HKEY_CURRENT_USER=&H80000001 const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE=&H80000002 Set ObjShell = wscript.createobject("") Objshell.Regwrite ML1,"0" Objshell.Regwrite ML2,"0" msg = msgbox("Buka kunci regedit berhasil",,"By: Mardi81") 3. Simpan File dengan nama : "Unreg.vbs" (harus dengan tanda petik). 4. Jalankan file ya...

7 Wrong Reasons to be in a Relationship …

There are right reasons to be in a relationship and then there are wrong reasons to stay  in a relationship. If you are sticking to someone for the wrong reasons, get out of it, before your partner gets too attached or before it gets too hard to leave. The right reasons to be in a relationship would be because you love them, trust them, respect them and care about them. However, I am going to give you 7 wrong reasons to be in a relationship … 7. You Don’t Want Anyone Else to Have Him or Her   This is definitely a wrong reason. Some people do not let go of the partner even when they are not in love because they do not want anyone else to have him or her. They can’t stand the thought of them being with another and that’s plain selfish! 6. Because You’re Afraid of Being Alone   Are you afraid of being alone? This is not a reason to get into a relationship. If you’re afraid of spending time alone, then get a roommate or call up your best friend or find ...

Painting on Wall Photo Manipulation Photoshop Tutorial

Preview of Final Results   Step 1 - Create a new image To begin, let’s create a new file, go to the Menu bar and click on File > New and find the Preset drop-down menu and click on A4 on the contextual menu or you can input the A4 settings manually: Width: 2480 pixels Height: 3508 pixels Resolution: 300 dpi Color Mode: RGB Color; 8bit Background Contents: White  We would need a landscape canvas so we would need to rotate the newly created layer; so as the layer opens, go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90’ CW. Step 2 - Correct the perspective of our background In this step, we would be opening “Grotty street stock” to our canvas and we would be fixing its asymmetrical perspective. So open our street stock from the folder you’ve saved it into and drag that image using the Move tool (V) to our A4 canvas. Take a look at our image you’d notice the lopsided angles on the window and on the street which are produced by the camera, these lopsided angles are often called B...

Google Map Parody Photo Manipulation

Preview of Final Results   Step 1 - Create a new image To start, let’s create an image document with the following settings: Width: 3072 pixels Height: 2048 pixels Resolution: 300 dpi Color Mode: RGB Color; 8bit Background Contents: Transparent Step 2 - Create the background In this step, we would be creating our background, that is, the ground and the sky. So, to begin, let’s open Aerial View of Paranaque PHILS. Once it has been opened, left-click on the image and activate the Move tool (V) then drag it to our newly created canvas. You’d notice that this stock image’s dimensions and that of the canvas are similar, so there is no need to do any resizing. After moving the stock image, double click on the words “layer 1” to rename this layer to “ground”. Renaming layers is a good thing since it lessens the confusion in the work process. Now that that’s done, let’s give the “ground” layer a little retouch to make it blend in with the rest of the images that we would be addi...